Thursday, April 21, 2016

Thursday Confessions

I confess....

...Super stoked it's Thursday and the sun is shining!

...I'm totally a type A personality when it comes to organizing get togethers.  I hate, I mean hate not being in control.  

...I have a true obsession with my green tea lattes I started drinking in place of my coffee & I do believe I may be feeling a lot better with this whole reflux thing (still no meds!)

...I could sit and watch the kids play forever.  They're at that adorable stage where if they don't know I'm watching, they're really cute together---until they're not and start biting/crying/arguing haha!

....I'm having a ball with my Keep biz! We are doing an online Ladies Night and I love meeting new people to network with!  {Plus the Summer line is soooo fun!}

...Saturday night we get to go out to dinner with some of Joe's work people and I'm looking forward to some adult conversations! The other wives are a lot of fun and it should be a great time. 

...I had too much fun taking the kids on a walk to a park and playing on Monday, only for it to go back into the 50's and be a little too chilly/windy for my liking.

...we are super close to finalizing Summer vacation plans. I want them made already so I can start the planning! closet needs new jeans, shorts and a few more easy tops for Summer, pronto!!

...I feel as though I could have written this blog post here

...just when I think I am on top of everything, I go and forget Bradley's 15 month checkup appointment on Tuesday.  #oops

...I totally got my husband addicted to Snap Chat; I love that we're like 12.

...I'm really wanting to try some new warm weather recipes! Any good ideas??

...mind over mattress is something I struggle with, but I am really trying to get up earlier!! {totally failed today, but yesterday I was up early enough to read a bit!} boy desperately needs his bangs trimmed but neither Joe or I want to cut the curls! 

....Bubs totally reminds me of Maggie on The Simpsons because he'll walk around the house sucking on his empty ba ba and then just randomly fall, for no reason.  

What are your confessions?!

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