Wednesday, August 24, 2016

A Quick Hello

Well, Summer is almost over and although I am a Summer Girl...I'm ready for a new season and new routine.

I've been doing okay with my Miracle Morning, but I would still like to get up a little earlier.  I'm still getting into a routine and that's what's important. I keep reminding myself, progress not perfection. (In everything in life)

Joe woke up Saturday not feeling too well; kind of run down etc. He had to go to work all day, but came home and pretty much went to bed until 12 the next day.  We even had a date night planned but had to cancel our sitter. Of course I started feeling a little achy myself, and today poor Mr. Bubs is full blown runny nose, sneezing and downright miserable. I feel so bad for him!! Hopefully it will clear soon. Stupid germs!

As August comes to a close, I am really looking forward to September.  We have a whole new season of life starting come September.  Our oldest will be going to Pre-School! I cannot believe how time has really flown by.

This morning I was looking at my Time Hop and it showed little Brookie at Bradley's age now, and I was pregnant with him.

It makes me realize how much has changed in our lives and how precious time is.

For those wondering, my sister is still doing well--keep those well wishes, prayers and healing thoughts coming.

I will definitely say this is the Summer that I have truly started to come into my own.  I look at my past, and I realize how much I relied on others to support me, give me guidance, or be there for me.

I have learned however, that at the end of the day, you only truly have yourself.  Well, with that said I know I have my husband, but he cannot be here every moment if I'm feeling a little down, angry, frustrated, hurt.

I had been doing really well working on myself (listening to daily motivation) and then bam, I stopped.  What happened? I started feeling down, hurt, like a victim etc.

So I started listening again.  Just like we need to shower every day, we need to surround ourselves with the right words, shows, people, things etc.

My Angel card today was, "Notice the loving guidance you hear inside your mind, or from other people."

Don't focus on those who won't give you the time of day, or worse, those who bring your spirit down.

My little blog has been such a great place for me to connect with, uplift other women, and speak from my heart.

It saddens me that some things are the way they are in my life, but sometimes I have no control over things.  And that, has been the biggest lesson of all.

I hope you are having a lovely Wednesday my friends.  Shine bright! You are beautiful; you are wise, and you have all the power within you.


1 comment:

  1. :) I literally just blogged about being ready for the new season ahead!

    Brooke is going to be in preschool already?! I remember following along when you were pregnant with her! And that seemed so recent! Jeez Louise...time really does fly! :) Hope she's excited for school! That age is so much fun.

    I am also trying to learn to listen to myself and depend on myself more often. It's like you said, your support system can't be there for you for every frustration or rough point. Loving and trusting yourself is such a gift!


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