Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Look Back at August

The last day of August my friends!!

It's been interesting for me to try and find a good morning routine.  I think I like doing some light yoga first thing with a cup of tea.  Some mornings I would jump online and start working, but I think that is not the way I need to go.  I did promote in my S&D biz, so that was super fun and exciting!

I also had some fun nights out with the hubby.

We had a few date nights as a whole family, one of which ended with a ride on the Merry Go Round.

These two have been extra clingy; we all are fighting off a little Summer cold still.

We've sat outside and seen some amazing sunsets.

Our bathroom got a mini makeover--yay for no more makeup or bronzer on a white rug! We are hoping to paint soon.

90 degree days call for burgers down by the lake.

And cool drinks in the shade on warm and muggy days.  Sandbox, treehouse and slide were some of our favorite moments.

I took home some toys to clean for the pre-school and this one carried the jugs into my bedroom all by himself!!  He just looks so big; my heart explodes.

And Summer is not over yet!! I bought these and declared that we will be having a fire either here or at the land this long weekend.  I also bought a pack of hot dogs (gasp!) and we'll be enjoying those as well.  

If you're feeling overwhelmed, like everything is spinning out of control, it probably is!  

It's the New Moon so be sure to set your intentions.
It's also Mercury Retrograde so chill out, laugh at things and know that everything will be okay.

Happy Hump Day!!


  1. I swear, Jenn, you have the best hair!!! :)

    It sounds like a wonderful August. Love your new bathroom update (I had white carpet in my childhood bedroom, and man oh man, did I ruin it with makeup!) and am feeling jealous of all of those s'mores ingredients! S'mores are one of my most favorite treats!

    Also, your morning routine of yoga and tea sounds positively blissful.

  2. Happy End of August! Bradley does look like such a big boy in that photo! I am all for some fire and s'mores! Enjoy! <3


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