Wednesday, September 7, 2016

A Letter to my Brookie

My sweet Brooke Lynn,

    I cannot believe you're going to school.  I think you've been talking about this day since you learned what school was.  You're still quite upset that the school bus will not pick you up tomorrow, but you're happy to ride with Daddy on his way to work.

   I think a little part of me will be gone when you go off; I told you I will miss you, but I saw you were starting to doubt that school would be fun if mommy was sad, so I told you I'd only miss you a little bit.  I'm sorry that I lied, because mommy will actually miss you a lot. A LOT.  More than I probably even know yet; I know it's only 2 days a week, 2 hours each day, but when you've been with mommy since January 11, 2013, I almost can't envision you not being with me 24/7.

   You're such a good big sister to brudder; I hope you always have a close bond with him.  You are really trying to teach him things, watch over him and always getting him to play with you.  I'm most excited for you to be able to make new friends your age and to play with them as much as you possibly can.

   The day your father and I found out you were a girl, I sobbed the whole way home.  Daddy thought it was because I was afraid he'd be upset you were a girl and not a boy, but that's not the case.  I knew Daddy would love you no matter what sex you were.  I knew I'd married a good man and that he'd be a better father than anyone in the entire world.  I cried that day because being a girl is tough.  I don't know what it is like to be a boy, but I do know that being a girl means that you must be stronger, smarter, kinder, and better each and every day.  Even when it feels like the world is against you, you must wake up and show up in this big, big world. Being a girl means you'll feel more than you want to, some days, and that is okay.  But you need to learn to let things roll off your back and not stress you out.

Do not carry the weight of the world on your beautiful little shoulders.

Stay light and love unconditionally. 

Do not grow up too fast and try to be an adult.  

Stay young and silly.

Do not make other people's problems your problems.

Stay quiet and find your inner peace.

Do not be scared.

Walk straight ahead and face your fears head on.

You will never be too old and it will never be too late.

Do it now.  Whatever is in your pretty little heart follow it and make it happen.

Dream big.

Keep flying.

Never settle.

Be you, Brooke Lynn.  
Be the very best you, because there is no one else in this entire world for you to be.

I love you, baby love.

You are my sunshine.

Have a beautiful first, of many firsts, day of school.



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