Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Goodbye Summer

Labor Day weekend was always one of my favorites.  We'd go down to our cottage, the whole family! Usually it was just us kids that spent time at the cottage, but for Labor Day, even my mom and dad would come down.  We'd go on the boat, ski, tube, swim in the water.

We'd stuff our faces with grilled deliciousness and lots of yummy sweets and sides.  We'd husk corn until our fingers were numb and we'd stay up real late on Saturday night, to watch the ring of fire.  Everyone would light flares on their beach and it looked like the whole lake was glowing, if you were lucky enough to get on a boat and sit in the middle of the water.

So much has changed since those memories; and though part of me is sad that the lake is no longer part of our lives, I have such a beautiful outlook on all of the amazing memories that we will get to create with our children.   I'm sure they won't remember much about this weekend, since they're only 3.5 and 1.5  We didn't do anything crazy, extreme or really that exciting; but we spent lots of time together and in the end of our days, isn't that what matters most?

We headed out to the land Sunday for a bit.  It's hard to navigate the trails still, since there was so much brush, tree roots etc.  We attempt to plow the stroller through, and the kids do pretty well!

I love this tree. It's so funky.

Stopped for a little snack.

Here's an apple tree that is actually producing!

Walking the woods with the kids.

After our land excursion, we had a 4 year old's Paw Patrol Birthday party to attend!

Monday we needed to get a little more back to school shopping done.  I had to laugh, because the whole point of Joe going was so he could help me with the kids.  However, he snuck off and did some shopping and I was still trying to juggle them both and look for clothes. Marshall's was awesome and we hit the jackpot there for some cute clothes.

The kids and Joe also found these as some entertainment!

We came home, relaxed a little and had lobster & lemon risotto for dinner.  I just kept looking to the sky and feeling so grateful for the time together.

Mr Bubs thinks he's a big boy now.  He's sitting at the table with us now; we have successfully filled our kitchen table. Oh my word, how my heart has been exploding over and over again this week.

We tucked Brooke into bed, laid Bradley in his crib and went out by the fire pit and may have shed a few tears.  Tears of joy. Tears of disbelief.  Tears that I can barely describe the feelings of.  It's hitting this momma hard this week; my baby girl, who was just born yesterday, no?  Is off to pre-school in two more days.

This Summer was full of so much.  From one end of the spectrum, to another, our worlds were rocked, shaken and carefully set back down.  I feel so small, in this huge world.  We wake up, go about our days and lay our head down at night, and if we are lucky? We get to go at it again another day.

My husband was worried how we'd have a fire, as we were out of wood, and had no way of transporting wood from the land (in the woods) out to the clearing.  But I asked and the universe delivered.  We drove by some wood for sale,  $3 a bundle on the home from that birthday party.

We got our Labor Day S'mores.  They never tasted so good!

Cheers to you, Summer 2016.  The Summer of Rio (no, not even the Olympics, the silly bird movie!) I bought it on a $4 whim at Target and it became our theme all Summer long.  I swear I must have listened to the movie in the car over 50 times.  All of the trips to the hospital to drop my mom off and and pick her up, while the kids quietly watched.  All of our walks around the neighborhoods, blasting the soundtrack, of "Let me take you to Rio, Rio."  The most adorable three and one year old singing voices.

It was the Summer of late night Abbott's drive through ice cream; the number one reason why my shorts are a tad tight.

It was Summer weather like we had when we were kids, kind of Summer.

It was a Summer of belief, strength, and love.

It was a Summer of truth, sadness and misunderstandings.

It was long walks to the park, playing just the three of us.

It was simply filling up a kiddie pool and watching them splash around.

It was random Tuesday night date nights, where we both woke up Wednesday wondering, what we were thinking?!

It was truly a beautiful, wonderful, wouldn't change things for the world type of Summer.  Every step along the way continues to help me grow, change and shape who I want to become.  Who I am.

Which in turn, helps me teach these beautiful souls we brought into this world.

So Fall?  I feel you right around the corner; your cooler weather sneaking up on us in the middle of the night.  The leaves starting to turn a bit here and there.  The smell of the air is different, and I'm ready.   All the feels these last few Summer days...onward and upward we go.

1 comment:

  1. :) Jenn, this post was so beautifully written and such a calming, uplifting read as I wind down my evening. I'm so glad you and your family had such a full and happy summer! It sounds like it ended on a wonderful note, as well.

    P.S. Your land always looks so gorgeous! How awesome to have your very own trails to hike!!! And there is truly nothing like summer s'mores or late-night ice cream runs!


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