Thursday, September 29, 2016

I Confess...

....Happy 5 years blogging to me!! (yesterday)  My very first post back on 9/28/11

...I love back to school; I do not love back to school germs!!  Seriously, my Time Hop shows me each year we are dealing with little colds this time of year. BOO!

...I am legit obsessed with tea.  Currently sipping on some Throat Comfort Yogi tea.  It's definitely got a little different taste to it and I'm not sure if I love it, but I do think it helps the ick. Plus I'm already dreaming of my Matcha latte OR trying a pumpkin vanilla chai. I saw someone post that and I never thought about that! I miss my pumpkin spice latte, but man everything coffee makes my reflux no fun.

...I had no idea what I was getting into signing up for the craft committee for Brooke's pre-school.  I just cut out 18 haunted houses, 18 black cat tails and 18 orange cat whiskers.  Luckily Joe helped me on that last batch because it was a lot!

...It's cold and rainy today and other than grabbing miss Brooke from preschool I have no plans other than to play, cuddle and maybe do some painting with the kids.

...I feel like I'm really starting to find my voice, be comfortable in my own skin, and truly own how I feel.  So much has happened in the last few years and maybe it's just what happens as we age.  Most of the time when I was young I was super shy and very quiet in school.  I kept my thoughts and opinions to myself.  Now with social media, I have found that for the most part I do the same, but lately I feel like if I have something to say, I will just say it.  I don't ever "go after" anyone or attack, but sometimes (especially lately with all of the presidential debate media) I find myself not deleting my comments, but rather hitting publish.  It's kind of freeing, really.

...I'm not quite ready to be a hunting widow this Fall, but I do hope hubby gets a deer this year.  He's been working hard setting up all of his tree stands and I know it's the ONE activity that he truly loves.  
...Speaking of loving a hobby, I really miss ballet. I loved Zumba and other dance classes but I may try to figure out a way to go an adult dance class. Even if it's just once or twice a month. I'd have to hire a sitter because it's on a late night Joe works and we basically have no family around to help us out.

...I had the best time last weekend with my girlfriend Kristin. We did this "Remote Rochester" thing and wore headphones and did this tour like event, which I cannot even put into words, but it was really really cool!

...this mom thing hasn't really gotten any easier.  There are real raw moments where I just tear up and think, am I doing anything right? Am I good mom? Should I be doing more?  I question myself all of the time, and certainly wish I had my mom here in person.  I was joking around the other day and said I should start a "grandma service" so that we could match moms like me with older women who would just LOVE to be of help to me and my kids.  I'm not even talking about a grandma to just watch the kids, though that would be nice, but I'm talking about just being with an older mom/grandma to talk about how it was when she raised kids.  To sip tea and chat while the kids run around.  It's not something I've published a lot here, but it's on my heart and mind all of the time.  I long for a mentor and an older woman to bond with.  Kind of weird to some people I guess, but when I don't have that, it makes life harder.  Maybe because I want it so badly? It takes a village to raise a child, and like I said before, Joe and I are the village, unless we hire out.  Tough stuff, but we are doing our best and I do truly believe our kids are thriving, happy, and well.  Make that lemonade my friends, life is better with the glass half full.

...My son eats more food than I have ever seen one child eat.  I feel like I am always wiping him up and cleaning a food mess, only to just turn around and start feeding him again! He's a beast. I love it.

...Las Vegas is around the corner and I am SUPER pumped about it.  We just can't decide to stay at the Bellagio or Aria?! We'll be staying at the Red Rock Casino for Joe's AFG convention, but we learned from last year to take an extra few days and enjoy!

...I have been having so much fun with Stella & Dot.  I can honestly say out of the companies I have dabbled in, this is by far the most rewarding.  I feel like the goals I set I can achieve and the payout is in jewels & cash---which is amazing!! I am hoping to keep growing at my own little pace and with the holidays coming, I can hopefully get into some vendor events and share a little more.  It's funny how it all started, but I am happy and to me that's what is most important!

...My tinnitus hasn't been annoying me so much since I STOPPED THINKING about it.  Crazy how much your mind controls things.  What you focus on increases and man, the less I think about my ear buzzing, the better off I am.

...I read a book last weekend and it was good! Think Gone Girl/ Girl on the train.  It was The Couple Next Door.  I think it ended a bit abruptly, but I believe that was the way the author intended it.

...I swear I'm going to get myself back onto a blogging schedule; I miss you guys!

...Bring on pumpkin everything and bring on October!

...I'm thinking of giving these Crock Pot Ranch Tacos a whirl tonight. I'll let ya know how they go!


  1. Those tacos sound amazing! And "grandma service" sounds even more amazing! :)

  2. Grandma Service, so much yes! I don't have kids, but I can see how that would be helpful to have a comforting voice of someone older who has been there. I live far away from family and friends. When I first moved here I went to an alumni event from my college sorority. I really clicked with an older woman there (older than my mom!), and she has definitely been a saving grace for me! We are in completely different lines of work, but she's the one who suggested a mechanic, dry cleaner, is a sounding board for my issues at work, has joined me for events around town. Honestly, she feels like my mom even though she's not. It's SO meaningful to build those relationships! I think you ought to go out and find some women like that near you that you can call and meet up with to rally your spirits. Woman to woman support is SO important!

  3. Wow 5 years of blogging already. That is crazy! I am craving the cooler weather. I love staying inside by the fire and baking! I love the idea of a grandma service. I don't know what I would do without my mom and my mother in law. It does take a village! Oh I will checkout The Couple Next Door. I just finished my book!


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