Saturday, October 1, 2016


Hello sweet friends!  I hope you are coming here with a happy heart.  I have been missing writing, so I have made myself up a nifty little calendar of blogging prompts to take us throughout the month.  Care to join? Please do! Even if it's just a post or two.

I used to not care for the Fall or October, but then I met Joe.  This is his birthday month and well, he's made me absolutely smitten with all things spooky and Fall, and of course with him. *awwww* We also got engaged this month, 7 years ago.  It's hard to believe so much time has passed and yet, I am so looking forward to the many years to come.

I can't take full credit for these ideas, as good old Google helped me when I searched "blogging challenges for October."  I mixed a few together and came up with this. 

Without further ado, here are my prompts!

1. October Goals
2.  Best Childhood Memories
3.  Top 5 Favorite Movies
4.  Recipe Share
5.  A Day in the Life
6.  Thankful Thursday
7. {Every Friday} Fashion Friday #ootd
8.  Playlist Faves
9.  Joe's Birthday
10.  Weekend Highlights
11.  10 Things Most People Don't Know about Me
13.  Wordless Wednesday (photos only)
14.  Fashion Friday #ootd
15.  Books: Read/Reading
16.  What's in my Bag? 
17.  7 Lessons Learned in the past year
18.  Who/What Inspires me
19.  Top Tips for a new blogger
20.  Favorite Beauty Products
21.  Fashion Friday #ootd
22.  Favorite Place or Space
23.  Pet Peeves
24.  Weekend Highlights
25.  Transformation Tuesday
26.  Letter to my younger self
27.  Where do I hope to be in 10 years?
28.  Fashion Friday #ootd
29.  Tutorial
30.  Health Tips
31.  Halloween Costume Reveal!

Today's prompt:

  • Complete Blogtober challenge
  • Workout (read: move) 6x a week.
  • Book 4 Trunk Shows
  • Read and complete 2 books
  • Watch one scary movie (I hate scary movies)
  • Visit 3 different pumpkin farms with the kids
  • Organize my accessories neatly
  • Try one new recipe a week (if not more!)
  • Visit with my youngest sister at least once a week
  • Work on being more patient daily
  • Prep freezer meals for when we are in Vegas
  • Start Christmas/birthday shopping for the kids

That's all for now! Let me know if you'll be blogging along with me! I'd love to learn a little more about you.  Have a beautiful day

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