Thursday, September 1, 2016

Setting Intentions

It's a New Moon and a new month, so that means a fresh start!

This month I have a few things I am going to focus on and really try to make progress with.  Brooke starting school will give me a little one on one time with bubs which I have never really had before!

It's been tricky with the whole Mercury Retrograde, so I want to make sure I am ENJOYING more. LOVING more. LIVING in the present moment more.

I read or heard some place that when making intentions, speak them as if they're already true. Here goes...

I am a loving and patient wife and mother who spends quality time with her husband and children.

I am a lover of nature and seek pleasure in the outside world.

I am an avid reader and find joy in literature.

I am a teacher and learner in life.

I love taking care of my home and all that resides within it.

I'm an incredible cook and love creating delicious dishes for us to enjoy.

I'm an associate stylist with Stella & Dot and have a passion for Fall fashion!! (had to throw a cheesy and fun one in there!)

What are your intentions for the new month?


  1. That will be so much fun having more one-on-one time with your little boy! :)

    And I really like the idea of speaking of your intentions as though they are already true. I'm going to try that when I'm journaling tonight.

    1. I know I am so excited for this next step in our journey!! Yes, journaling is the way to go. Speak things as if they're already true xox


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