Monday, December 19, 2011

Workout plan & Weekly Dinner Menu

The home stretch!
Here's to finishing all my Christmas shopping and wrapping!
To getting to the gym & working off all those yummy cookies!
And with yummy cookies, comes calories. 
Like I said in an earlier post, I'll be on a cruise in May celebrating my sister's wedding.
I am on a "no excuses" workout plan. 
I hate depriving myself of food, but I do want to look and feel good, 
so here's to doing and not complaining.
I'm going to try this workout {as soon as I finish this coffee/post!}
 And a little more pinspiration:

Does anyone else make sure to get their hair, nails, brows, 
other beauty needs taken care of all right before Christmas?
This girl did.
Siri says I'm busy this week!
I'm trying to stay organized & plan ahead. 
I've made "menus" for awhile now.
Joe says that it's not a menu because he doesn't have a choice of what to eat, 
so it should be a feeding schedule. 
Whatever, he loves my cooking and doesn't complain & I prefer "Menu".
I was asked last week if I stick to my weekly menus, 
and to be honest, I do for the most part.
Some things change, but I try not to schedule "leftover" nights, 
so that if I do run out of time, that's always an option.
Writing them on here keeps me organized & I'm more apt to do things when I write them down.
My Weekly Menu:
Tuesday: Emeril's vodka sauce/sausage pasta (This is a single recipe, double it for more!)
Saturday: Christmas Eve @ Joe's Grandma's 
Sunday: Christmas Day!! 
I do make salads almost every night. 
If not salad, then some sort of veggie.
Ok, a little more coffee, then off to the gym!!
What's on your menu this week?
Stay sane & enjoy the Christmas rush!


  1. keeping a workout schedule and food schedule is the best way to make sure you do keep sane during this christmas season!! good luck girl and in May when celebrating your sister you will be beautiful, whatever size :-)

  2. Thanks for sharing. I make a menu list weekly as well. It helps save $ and keeps me sane during the week. Even though you look great... I know the feeling about wanting to feel good about yourself. I'll be trying some of these recipes! We should do a blog swap and share our recipes!


  3. I love to plan my menus as well. It just really helps the week go smoother!

    That Nacho Chicken Bake looks yummy! I am going to have to add that to my plan!

  4. I love interval workouts! They definitely keep it interesting - great way to avoid boredom!

  5. WHat is siri???? I keep hearing this every where!!!!

    Good for you girl, boot camp is off for 2 weeks so basically until after the new year. I Need to do something in the meantime or I will die when it starts up again.


I'd love to hear from you. Each & every comment is so very much appreciated!! :)