Friday, September 12, 2014

A Favorite Tradition

While I am not someone who likes to rush the seasons, I will fully admit my favorite holiday is Christmas.  I love Fall, Joe's favorite is Halloween, and Thanksgiving is great and all, but I am for sure a Christmas girl.  I love getting a real tree and finding the "perfect one" to bring home to our living room.

My favorite tradition of all, is getting a Christmas tree and decorating it.  I've loved it since I was a little girl.  I actually blogged about this tradition back in 2011, HERE

Then in 2012, I was pretty pregnant with Brooke due Jan. 4, so we opted for a small tree and looking back, I barely blogged about it at all!! I did take a silly mini video of us finding our tree…HERE

In 2013, it was SO cold, but we ventured out and found our tree, decorated it and made sure not to leave anything too breakable at the bottom of the tree, worried Brooke would be into it.  She actually was great and really didn't seem too impressed by the whole thing!  HERE

So this year, we are pretty much in the same situation…I'll be super duper prego, baby due Jan. 10th.  We also have a very active toddler, so while the spirit of Christmas will be lively and wonderful, I think we will downsize our tree again.  It just makes life a little easier, since hubs will be the one really doing the heavy lifting.

I am that crazy person with like 20 totes of Christmas stuff.  In fact, we even added to our trees last year; Brooke has a pink one in her room, and the dining room has a white one that I bought on a black Friday special.  I shared a Holiday Home Tour HERE

It just takes me back to being a kid and the magic of Christmas and I cannot wait to have my own children make special memories around the tree.  I just love the act of family gathering, and even more so when it's cold outside, the fire is lit and the tree is beautifully lit up.  I know that I married the right man, as I had not felt so wonderful inside on Christmas, as I did that first Christmas in 2008.  Each year gets better and better and I just love everything about that tradition.

I'm sure as the children grow, we will make more traditions. I would really like to start having weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly dinners with family/friends.  Time slips by so fast, and I want my children to grow up in a social atmosphere with lots of good food and laughs with people that we love.

Do you have a favorite tradition?


  1. Christmas at your house sounds like so much fun! I love the idea of having trees around the house (especially in Brooke's room), I feel like it spreads the cheer all around!

    We currently have a 4ft artificial since we live in an apartment, but I'm hopeful by Christmas 2015 we will be hunting for a real tree!

  2. We always had a fresh tree growing up also! Sounds like your sweet family has a great tradition for Christmas.


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