Friday, April 29, 2016

Fashion Friday

TGIF pretties!!

I cannot  believe Mother's Day is next weekend.
I'm all set with my gifts, how about you?!

These lovelies are so popular, the pink has sold old temporarily 

I gave my sister this look, with the striped time key--she loved it! 

As for S&D, any purchase made of $50 or more will get this adorable scarf for only $14.99

Onto my weekly looks--first of all, I needed a new cute pair of easy slip on sandals.  I saw these at Target and I believe they were around $23, which I think is very reasonable! I love the detail of the back zipper on the heel and the gold boho vibe.

I also snagged a few tees for $6, as I always need more shirts.  #momlife

Saturday night I ended up going with a sparkly red top and the white jeans.  Totally didn't get a good photo, but you get the idea.  It's so hard to get good photos, with the baby crying, babysitter trying to console him and us trying to get out the door without getting anything sticky on us!

Sunday I went with comfy jeans & a kimono for my sister's birthday party.

It wasn't an exceptionally fashionable week, I'll try better next week!
What have you been wearing?

Thursday, April 28, 2016

15 Weird Questions Tag

I saw this on You Tube and thought it'd be fun to share.  

Tag yourself and join in!

1. A nickname that you get called.

Fur-fur & Rabbit.

2. A weird habit.

I'm just weird overall!! haha my daily 2pm shower probably...

3. A weird phobia.


4. A song you are ashamed to like so you blast it in private.

Anything pop.

5. A pet peeve.

Bad drivers (texting/talking on the phone etc)

6. A nervous habit.

Cracking my knuckles.

7. What side of the bed do you sleep on?

Right, by the window.

8. The name of your first stuffed animal.

Leo the Lion.

9. What do you buy at starbucks?

Venti Soy Green Tea latte!

10. Beauty rule.

Take your makeup off at night!

11. Which way do you face in the shower?

Mainly away from the shower head, but I start by washing my face, so I face the water.

12. A weird body skill.

Cracking bones--knuckles, feet, neck...

13. Comfort food.

Pasta.  It's soothing to the soul.

14. A word or phrase that you say all the time. 


15. What do you sleep in?


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

What I Ate Wednesday

Happy Hump Day!
I've had a few requests asking what I've been eating, so I figured I would share.
I've really been playing with my diet, mostly because of my reflux. I've found triggers that really bother me and try my best to avoid them.

Meal 1-
2 eggs scrambled with a handful of spinach cooked in.
Sprinkle of feta cheese, a few tomatoes, & 2 slices of organic turkey bacon.

Matcha Latte with soy milk

Meal 2-
This has been a lovely in between breakfast and before my workout snack!
I just drizzle a little of the plain Kefir, not sweetened, 
over whatever fruits weren't finished at breakfast. 

Meal 3-
Post workout protein shake.

Meal 4-
Lunch today was 2 big red leaf lettuce leaves
-leftover whole chicken from dinner
-mix in a little bit of mayo (I like the evoo mayo) and a little avocado
-some grapes mixed in too with a dash of sea salt

Meal 5-

Tonight was man pleasing chicken thighs & steamed broccoli with sea salt and lemon.
I didn't have any brown rice and I feel like too many carbs bother me.

I'm really listening to my body and if I don't feel like having something, I don't.  I really hate having to watch every little thing at first, but my mood and my physical body feel so much better when I eat like this.  

I still have days where we have pasta or ice cream cake, but I try very hard to keep it to a minimum so that I feel my best.

What are you eating lately?

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Moms do everything.  Ok, maybe not everything, but for the most part, at least in my case, momma is the glue that holds the family together.  It's a lot of pressure us as women put on ourselves; there is never enough time in the day to do everything we want, and by the end of the day, if you're like me, you're exhausted.

I think about folding the laundry sitting by the dryer that needs to be done.

I walk by the pile of mail that needs to be sorted.

The books on the counter give me a side-eye, as if to say, "read me!"

The dog needs to be walked.

The kids need to be bathed.

The living room needs to be picked up and vacuumed.

The crumbs from dinner are sticking to my feet and need to be swept.

Some days are easier than others, but is it simply because of my mindset? I think so.  There is ALWAYS something to be done around this house and being home 24/7 allows for more time to make messes!  So while I am home all day and sure I can clean, I can only load/unload the dishwasher so many times before I am ready to go bonkers.

So I pack all of us up and get-out-of-the-house. {cue the 3:45 Starbucks/Target run Monday afternoon}

Sure it's a bit of a workout getting the kiddos all bundled up, boots, hats, mittens, snacks, drinks, potty before we leave.

It's usually always worth it though, even if the outing can't last too long because Brother doesn't want to sit in the cart and Brooke keeps running around the store.

But if it's one thing I keep learning, it's take time for me.

Take the hot shower, even if it means the kids watch the Ipad and try to climb into the tub.

Take the extra 15 minutes and put on makeup.

Take a few minutes to design a keeper to go with my outfit.

Sneak off to Starbucks, grab a green tea latte and head to the library. (It's eerily quiet!)

Honestly, what really helps is one day a week, go out of the house, just for me.  Tonight it happens to be my favorite {acupuncture} I know it fills my soul with such positive energy and much needed breath of fresh air.

If I don't, carve out these small moments in time for me, I know I get even more frustrated and a little lost.

I've also learned to stop wishing it would be easier, and learn to be better (thank you Jim Rohn).

I'm going to have amazing days in mothering, and I'm going to have some not so great days too.  I've also learned that I can be having an extremely trying day, but still find slivers of pure bliss.  Moments where I look over and the two of them are so sweet, loving, and playful with each other.

Being a mother has taught me so much and has made me feel things I have never imagined I'd feel.  I think the hardest part is always feeling, "on".  Even if I'm not with my babies, I'm always thinking about them and worrying about what I could be doing better.

I am really looking forward to this Summer because of their ages; Brooke really gets things now and Bradley just gets so excited to see Brooke's reactions.  

I have already started planning out some activities that I want to do with them and I just need the weather to cooperate!

I think with Mother's Day coming up, it's stirring all of these emotions of what it means to be a mom; and if you caught my post on one of my big dreams, I definitely want to be close to my kids. In all aspects!

I've also seen a lot about mom shaming and mom judging and quite honestly it's just so disturbing.  I don't really have anything to say other than we need to just start supporting one another and helping each other out because that village that used to be here to help us raise a child, is gone.  A lot of us are doing it mostly on our own.  Husbands work long, intense hours so we can stay home and tend to our children.  There aren't grandmas and aunties living with (or near) me.  Things continue to evolve and I feel as though as technology becomes better, we become more divided.  The more we can see into each others' lives, the more we think we know it all.

I had a brief moment at breakfast this morning, where all of my loves sat eating their breakfast that I lovingly cooked, as I rushed to get my water and hubby's green tea ready, so I could actually sit and enjoy a bite or two with them.

No one gets to see that moment.

I don't post a video on FB.  I don't share a photo of us all enjoying our eggs on Instagram.  I snap videos or photos of the food itself, but that moment that happens every day?  That is ours and no one can see it.

Just like we don't see A LOT of what goes on in 24 hours of other mommas' days.

I chose the word SUCCEED for 2016, and I almost feel like I should have chosen "GROWTH." There is so much growing I continue to do each and every day, I honestly feel silly when time hop shows me old FB statuses or photos of me, 8 years ago.

But isn't that the point?

Aren't we supposed to change and grow and learn to be the best possible version of ourselves?  Becoming a mother has certainly challenged me in ways I find hard to put into words.

Mothering has been such a wild, crazy, messy, beautiful ride since I brought Brooke into this world.  I can honestly say, I am nervous, excited and a little overwhelmed by all that is yet to come.

One day they won't need me to do so much for them, but I know they will need me in so many more ways.  Once you're a mom, you're always a mom.  I know that if I want a healthy and happy relationship with my son and daughter, it's going to be a lifetime or giving; selfless and constant love and affection, no matter what.  It's being there for them when they don't even think they need me, is what will matter most.

Moms are everything to a child, and that doesn't change no matter if you're one or forty.

We are all in this together moms, and raising littles is not easy, but it is so worth every stink(y)in moment.  So if you're feeling alone, a little or a lot overwhelmed, or simply like you're going a little nutty, it's gonna be okay.  Focus on the good, give some extra hugs, and find a really good latte to help you through!!

Monday, April 25, 2016


We are moving slowly around here today!  We've been running around and super busy.  Thursday the kids had to stay at my dad and step-mom's because Joe had a routine procedure to check on his Crohn's status.  So needless to say, Friday was a little hectic, but we made it work.   Poor guy was so tired he was asleep on the couch by 6:30/7 and the kids were beat from playing outside, so I had the whole house shut down early!

Saturday I had a lot cleaning and laundry to catch up on, dance class and then the sitter came over so we could go out to our company dinner.  I failed to take any photos, but it was great food and lots of fun!

Sunday was a bit chilly, but still a gorgeous morning.  Joe was up early and wanted to take his car for a ride and bring me back my latest favorite--Green Tea Latte from Starbucks.  YUM!

I whipped up a chicken wing dip and a salad and we headed out to my dad's to celebrate my sister's birthday.

It was sunny, but cool, we hung around outside for most of the day.

The kids totally tackled Joe and I caught it on a video; hew was face timing with our brother when it happened!

Joe took the girls on a hike through the woods and we were able to snack on some steamed clams!

Despite the grumpy look, riding with Daddy is one of his favorite things!

Bri opened her gifts; lots of workout clothes (she's a gymnastics coach) and boating necessities.

Plastic tumbler/wine cups. Yes.

Her big birthday present was a wake surf board--I'm excited to see how it works!

Our step mom made a delicious multi layered ice cream cake and it was super tasty!

This boy steals all of our hearts.

After dinner we took a drive to a potential lake house we were going to rent, but we realized it wasn't exactly what we are looking for, so it's back to the drawing board for our summer vacation planning.

I made a quick video of yesterday's fun.  

I'm trying to meal plan and get my head on straight, while pausing for lots of snuggles with the babes.

Hope your weekend was fabulous!  

Friday, April 22, 2016

Fashion Friday

Happy Friday!

I got an e-mail from the newlettters I receive from Cara, author of The Champagne Diet for
I haven't read them yet, but I've got them downloaded onto my Kindle app!

A few looks this week included:
Lularoe shirt & leggings and my mala

Summer line is here!! I'm totally smitten! 

Shirts/pants from Old Navy

I think the woven bands are so fun and for only $19 you can't beat that!

I've been wearing the tassel necklace and the turquoise friendship earrings daily.
It was in the 70's Monday; I was loving it!

My nail color is a pinkish/coral--love!

Here's some outfit inspiration for our date night Saturday:

{all google images}

I'm dying to get my booty into my white jeans. I wore them only once, as I bought them Spring 2014 and then got pregnant with Bradley.  I just got a $10 top from Forever 21 I'm hoping it works!

What are you wearing lately?

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Thursday Confessions

I confess....

...Super stoked it's Thursday and the sun is shining!

...I'm totally a type A personality when it comes to organizing get togethers.  I hate, I mean hate not being in control.  

...I have a true obsession with my green tea lattes I started drinking in place of my coffee & I do believe I may be feeling a lot better with this whole reflux thing (still no meds!)

...I could sit and watch the kids play forever.  They're at that adorable stage where if they don't know I'm watching, they're really cute together---until they're not and start biting/crying/arguing haha!

....I'm having a ball with my Keep biz! We are doing an online Ladies Night and I love meeting new people to network with!  {Plus the Summer line is soooo fun!}

...Saturday night we get to go out to dinner with some of Joe's work people and I'm looking forward to some adult conversations! The other wives are a lot of fun and it should be a great time. 

...I had too much fun taking the kids on a walk to a park and playing on Monday, only for it to go back into the 50's and be a little too chilly/windy for my liking.

...we are super close to finalizing Summer vacation plans. I want them made already so I can start the planning! closet needs new jeans, shorts and a few more easy tops for Summer, pronto!!

...I feel as though I could have written this blog post here

...just when I think I am on top of everything, I go and forget Bradley's 15 month checkup appointment on Tuesday.  #oops

...I totally got my husband addicted to Snap Chat; I love that we're like 12.

...I'm really wanting to try some new warm weather recipes! Any good ideas??

...mind over mattress is something I struggle with, but I am really trying to get up earlier!! {totally failed today, but yesterday I was up early enough to read a bit!} boy desperately needs his bangs trimmed but neither Joe or I want to cut the curls! 

....Bubs totally reminds me of Maggie on The Simpsons because he'll walk around the house sucking on his empty ba ba and then just randomly fall, for no reason.  

What are your confessions?!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Home Talk Tuesday

Happy Tuesday!!

I hope you're having a beautiful day.  I wanted to share some things home-related on the blog, so I figured I would just lump them all together in one post!! I know it's not easy keeping up with the cooking, the cleaning, the organizing, plus doing everything else that we have to do in a day with littles.  I have found a few tricks or routines that may actually work!

What I struggle with most at this stage, is being able to complete a task.  I will start several things, but sometimes (most times) I get side tracked with changing diapers and trying to keep the kids both occupied so that I can clean, I feel like I'm running on a hamster wheel.

I will say that starting to use "Snap Chat" @mrsdellefave really does make me feel good about my day!! I literally look through my story and realize, holy cow, I do a lot and even though the floors may not be clean at 9pm, they were at 11am!

Really though, I know that it's a season and soon the kids will not be here making messes all day while I try to entertain them and clean up.  So here are a few successes I had last week:

I loved being able to throw it in the dutch oven, place it in the oven and let it cook for a few hours.

I steamed some carrots and then tossed them into some melted butter, honey, sage, & lemon.

I can't go wrong with my bread; everyone loves it!

The kids liked everything, but Brooke really only likes raw veggies. She "couldn't like the carrots" they were "yucky".

I like cleaning on Thursdays. I don't know why I prefer that day, but I do.  I also like grocery shopping on a Tuesday.  I think this is because Mon/Weds are late nights and that leaves more room for the kids and I to go and do something fun since Daddy works.

He pulls everything out of all the cupboards.  Thursday he discovered parchment paper.

I run my dishwasher 1-2 times a day.  Sometimes I get overwhelmed with the dishes, bottles and cups seem to multiply.  I need to get some more paper plates for Summer to help cut down on this haha.  I really don't enjoy dishes, but I do find it best if I prop my iPhone up and watch Youtube or TV on it.

I was really having an issue with my produce. We eat a lot of fresh fruits and veggies, and they were just falling out of my bowls. I decided to use a big platter to hold everything and it works much better!

I had this bowl that my mom gave me awhile ago for a birthday present. I finally found something to put in it! I grabbed these for $8 at T.J. Max

When I'm feeling overwhelmed, I know that the first place to start is my room.  If I can clear the clothes, clutter and make the bed, life feels so much easier and more put together!

I ended with a quick steam mopping session. I go back and forth whether I like an old fashion mop or the steam mop, but I really love that there's no harsh chemicals.

Another simple dinner winner- Pasta with turkey meatballs.  Everyone loves it and I served it with some organic frozen veggies.  For my plate I gave myself 1/2 cup of pasta and filled the rest with veggies.

Want to know a secret?  Today is day #4 with no coffee. I know. I'm just as shocked. I ran out of creamer and decided that would be the day.  I don't miss the flavor or the feeling I was getting after drinking it (reflux) and I have replaced it with a matcha latte.  It's green tea powder and I heat up some vanilla soy milk---use my immersion blender and voila. Gives me a boost of energy and no yuck feeling!  Starbucks makes them and they're super tasty; I'm still perfecting mine.

Recipe here

How Jen Does it is really inspiring me to get my cleaning in order!! Check out her latest video.

My favorite thing?  This.  It was so hot out yesterday, I gave them two bowls of water and a few measuring cups.  They instantly soaked each other and ran around squealing.  I love that I have the deck to lock them in, and I can get some kitchen work done [since it's never ending!] I'm very excited to enjoy the nicer weather!

Any home tips you could share?