Monday, December 31, 2012

Ready for the New Year

I definitely believe New Year's is a bit over-hyped.
If you go out to eat, it's usually a fixed menu.
If you go out to the bars, you'll be waiting in line forever for a drink.
Everyone is sparkly, shiny and fabulous.
You either get so intoxicated you can barely function/remember the clock striking twelve,
You are sober and annoyed by the rest of the drunks actin' a fool.
That being said,
I look forward to being able to go out again one NYE!!
We stayed in last year,
cooked a fabulous meal,
played it low key...
and now looking back, I wish we had rocked out!
No, not really, as we had gone out years prior and were ready to stay in...
It was fun.
This year, as I patiently await our little baby,
there will be no bubbly,
no fancy meal,
no curling of the hair,
no getting all dolled up.
That's ok.
The only plans we have are to have no plans!
{Unless someone decides to come a few days early and give us some!!}
I'm slow cooking ribs, cleaning the house, paying bills, and taking down Christmas.
I supposed baby girl will eventually be here and it'd be nice to have that
all taken care prior to her arrival.
 Looking back, I'd have to say these moments stick with me most...
It was April.
In the midst of planning/hosting my sister's bachelorette/bridal shower
and her upcoming wedding...
I was working out hardcore and eating really healthy!
I was already down 10 pounds and feeling fabulous.
I fit back into my Seven Jeans.
And then the very next photo on my iPhone is this:
I had to take two because my husband didn't quite believe the first one.
I still don't know what possessed me to buy those pregnancy tests.
I guess I just felt compelled to check,
{thank goodness}
Since I had all the intention in the world of going crazy
at my sister's bachelorette party that weekend!
We then went on a cruise for my sister's wedding...
Not something I'd recommend during your first trimester
I never got sick, but man it was a long week.
I cannot believe how long ago it seems,
and yet how fast it flew by.
Before I knew it, 
it was Fall and our maternity photoshoot happened.
 I'm now as big as a house,
I am fairly certain my arm muscles are becoming toned
from heaving myself off of the couch/bed.
With 2013 at our fingertips,
what an absolutely amazing adventure it will bring!
As I sit here staring at this contraption called a breast pump,
I am hoping that I can figure it all out,
like many a mother before me,
and that having a baby really will be the best thing to ever happen to Joe and I.
I know there will be trying moments, but I cannot imagine the feeling we'll get
once we hold our little girl in our arms and look down upon something
so sweet and special that we created.
I'm sure my 2013 goals will include dropping these 60+ pounds I've put on,
but more than anything,
my biggest goal is to stay in the moment.
Enjoy each day with our baby girl,
my loving husband,
our crazy fur-babies,
our home,
and do my very best at it all.
I will not try to be 'perfect' but I will promise to do it all
with a happy heart.
With all the negativity in the news and horrific events that have occured,
it really is important to live simply and focus on the good.
It isn't always easy, I know.
I can easily get agitated and frustrated over the dumbest things,
but I will continue to work on focusing on all the blessings in my life.
Sure I hate the muddy paw prints and the constant shedding of dog hair,
but the dogs are healthy and happy.
Most importantly, my focus is on the birth of our baby.
I pray for a safe arrival of our little girl and that she's 100% healthy.
That's all that matters to me right now.
No matter how you'll be ringing in the New Year,
be sure to make 2013 one of your best years yet!
google images

Saturday, December 29, 2012

39 Week Bumpdate

I'm still here, and stilllllllllllll prego!
How Far Along:
39 weeks and 1 day
Baby is the size of:
And boy does she feel like it!!
39 weeks--headed out for our weekly checkup!
Even though everyone says I look like I've dropped,
the Dr said I really haven't dropped much at all.....
Labor Signs:
Tons of Braxton Hicks, but no rhyme or rhythm to any of the contractions.
At my appointment the doctor said I was 50% effaced and dilated 1 cm.
TMI---she said my mucus plug was in the way, so she had to push through,
that brought on some major discomfort, cramping, and spotting.
So...any day you're ready lil lady, mama's waiting!!!
Clearly she doesn't want to come out and play yet.
Bags are all packed, we are ready to go.
Heartburn has subsided a bit; 
I still pop Tums here and there but not nearly as much.
Plus, I've been kickin it up a knotch with spicy foods 
Spicy turkey chili, Chipotle, hot sauce...
{not that it's helping bring on labor!?}
Still a little swelling in my legs/feet/hands
Still feels like someone kicked me hard in my hoo ha and it hurts.
I've been nesting like crazy,
but I can only do so much because of said horrid pain.
Then I nap, since I can't bear to look around at my messy house.
I'm pretty emotional.
I get teary eyed at everything.
Happy for the most part, but I still get frustrated at my lack of mobility.
I dislike being in pain, who does?
Anxious, excited, impatient...
And I am more than ready to meet my little girl.  
I am very tired, very easily lately.
I nap every day, even days when Joe is home...
I have trouble falling asleep, but I do sleep.
I'm up every 3 hours to use the bathroom. 
Miss Anything:
I will be so thankful when I can strap on a pair of sneakers,
normal non maternity workout clothes, and take my dogs on a run.
Never thought I'd miss it so much.
I had to have Wendy's fries with a side of cheese again.
Christmas cookies were fun while they lasted, 
but then they had to go.
I'm pretty much over food though...
I seriously think about what food group I have to eat,
and go with that. 
I stare in the fridge for awhile at a time.
Still off and I still miss them.
I hate them.
I live in lounge clothes and put a pair of jeans on if I need to leave the house,
which I try not to do much any more.
I love pj pants, a maternity tank 
and my new Ralph Lauren robe from my friend Kristin!
Belly Button:
Still really oddly poking out/mostly in.
"not done"
Stretch Marks:
Still none.
I hear they appear after the baby
Not really gaining too much any more at this point,
Thank goodness.
I bet all said and done, I will have gained 65 pounds.
Best moment of the week:
Celebrating Christmas with my husband,
my family,
his family,
and it being very, very low key.
It was quiet and nice and perfect.
Looking Forward to:
Meeting my baby Brooke!
Will she be a New Year baby?
Will she come on her due date?
Will she arrive fashionably late?
It's so crazy to not know.
Overall thoughts/concerns:
I will admit it's been a rough few weeks;
Joe got sick with his Crohn's,
then he came down with a really really nasty cold.
So, I've been trying to take care of him and the dogs, the house,
and myself, whereas he had been helping out a bit more...
he could not.
So, my type-A personality does not help,
but I try my best to just do what I can physically do, 
rest when I can, and just breathe.
I know it will all be over soon and I'll be experiencing life with a newborn!
I also wonder, will my water break on its own?
When will I get real contractions?
I really don't want to be induced.
I drive myself nuts.
So for now, I'm trying to find ways to occupy my time...
such as getting into this cheesy drama Pretty Little Liars.
I'm not going to lie, it's pretty darn addicting already!
I know these last few weeks are hardest,
so what are some ways I can pass the time mamas?!?

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Lucky Prego!

I already consider myself lucky,
I'm married to the man of my dreams.
I live the life I could have only wished for.
I have a beautiful baby girl on the way...
but lately, I really feel like this baby is bringing me tons of luck!!
Why you ask?
I've won more fun little giveaways on blogs since being prego...
In the last week alone, 3 lucky events have happened:
#1-- I randomly remembered I had a VS Rewards card.
I thought about just tossing it away, since usually it's $10
and I had no intention of making it back to a mall any time soon...
I didn't even purchase anything to get this card 
(Hello, being this big, nothing is attractive to me at this point)
but I received it in the mail.
I decided to put an item I really wanted in my online shopping cart,
just to see what the reward value was.
To my surprise, it was $50!!!
I was so excited.
 I got myself this pretty little thing:
image from VS
I got it a bit bigger and I'm thinking it will be cute, comfy, & cozy
enough to wear after I have my lucky bean.
It's soft and thin, so I don't have to worry about getting super hot in it.
Love it!!
 #2-I received a scratch-off card from my girlfriend Alison & I won $15!
{I never win on those silly things!}
It's a baby blanket with a swatch to put a scent on!
Check it out:
I thought that was pretty awesome..and just in time!
Thanks again Megan!!
Of course I've been enjoying my daily openings of my 25 gifts of Christmas...
Here's what I have received the last few days!
A huge cup with a straw...
She must have known I was down to my last one.
I love these things and the bigger, the better!!
 My lips are always in need of some gloss or chapstick.
Giada's tip for the holidays is to keep an extra in a kitchen drawer,
 if you're busy in there preparing holiday meals!!
Again, how did you know Al??
I used to get this magazine {along with a few others}
but with baby on the way, and me not really reading magazines a ton,
I've cancelled all my subscriptions.
Thank you!!
I love the holiday style issue!

My winnings!

Haven't gotten the hubs to paint the piggies yet,
but I love the sparkles!!!'s already on the diaper bag!!
And I had to switch today's gift with tomorrow' I'll share those next week!
One of my dear friends had her baby yesterday;
welcome to the world Baby Blake!
He was 10 pounds 6 ounces and sooo cute.
I'm hoping since Joe has today off, we get to meet him today!
It's so crazy because she's obviously been a few weeks ahead of me
this entire pregnancy, and now she's holding him in her arms.
That means my turn is coming soon--ahhh!!
Thank goodness the holidays are soon here to distract me a bit.
Have a fantastic Thursday!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Baby Girl's Nursery Tour!!

OK, I'm finally ready to share off all of our hard work.
It's still not "100% completed"
but I want to share how much we've done,
 and how prepared we are for lil miss.
I tried to include as many links as possible for things I've purchased...
We are very proud of our nursery.
I truly believe it's a beautiful reflection of both my husband and I
and perfect for our little bambina!!  
We just love going in there and cannot wait to bring her home to it!
My husband didn't want me painting or really lifting a finger
when it came to working on the nursery.
I didn't put up much of a fight, since I knew
I'd be able to spend my time searching for organizing essentials
and decor.
As soon as we found out we were having a girl,
he went right to work!
He primed the walls...
 Removed the dirty old green carpet.
It was like 90+ degrees and this man worked his tail off.
He wonders why I already tell him he's a great daddy.
 Picked out "Fun Yellow"
and painted her room.
We also chose that carpet--a neutral.
Before and after
We took the doors right off, since they were the annoying sliding ones.
I wanted it all open so I could view all her cute items anyway.
 Slowly starting to stock the goodies...
 I searched high and low looking for perfect organization.
I thought it'd double as baby stuff storage
and her little library.
I cannot wait til her little hands can grab those books.
And this is her closet today!!
Her clothes are washed and hung according to size.
The basket underneath that holds her cloth diapers,
for when I'm ready to take that plunge!
{Baskets are from Jo-Anns and my mother-in-law lined them with fabric}
Can you stand all of her clothes??
Of course she's already a fashionista in the making.
 We purchased her crib and changer dresser from Buy Buy Baby.
The crib converts to a toddler bed, then a full size bed.
Her mattress is also from Buy Buy and it's organic.
 Her gorgeous bedding was designed by me 
and sewn by Grandma D!! {Mama-in-law}
Letters made by my friend Ann--she used scrapbook paper to match!
 Her name plaque was made by Nana (my step-mom Tricia)
The color pops with the yellow and fits perfectly above her door.
 Another view
And the gorgeous Tu-tu outfit for her newborn photo sesh from my mom!
 Nightlight I custom ordered from Angela at
 Switch plate I ordered from etsy
 My glider!!
From Buy Buy Baby.
Gifted from my dad and step-mom.
The little white stand I bought years ago when I owned my own house.
I think it was from Wal-Mart.
I just wanted a little "nursing station".
I ended up moving the lamp to the changing dresser.
It's from Target.
I made a little video on my iPhone...
I apologize it's not the greatest quality but it's something.
I am over 37 weeks prego and out of breath easily!! 
Feel free to leave a comment for any of my questions I ask in the video.
Thanks and have a great day!!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

37 Week Bumpdate

How Far Along:
37 Weeks and 1 day
*We are officially full term*
Baby is the size of:
aka big!
I had my first weekly check up.
She's measuring at 38 weeks.
Her head is down,
but she has not dropped.
The Dr said he'd do an internal check if I wanted,
but there was really no point...
so I decided to wait until next week.
He said they'll only let me go up to a week past my due date,
then there are risks and complications.
I hope I go naturally...
The joints in my hands ache..
My knuckles, wrists...hopefully it will ease up a bit.
Swollen feet.
Highs/lows emotionally.
I cry at everything.
I am peeing like every hour.
It's insane.
Heartburn is still kickin, so lots of Tums.
Still have the lower pubic pain.
She seems to just love to hang out on my left side,
and it's so heavy!
Wednesday night it felt like she shifted,
I felt amazing and actually took Holly on a little walk.
I woke up again with the pain on Thursday though...
I seem to be getting hot flashes, then I'll be cold.
So weird.
I definitely have my moments where I just don't know how much longer I can go.
*Cue Thursday night, laying on the couch while hubs played Madden,
I may or may not have been in tears.
But then I have days like yesterday where I felt so great!
After my Dr. appointment,
I went to Target, stocked up on food etc.
went for a nice drive with my husband,
and we went out to eat at a little Italian restaurant.
There's so much to think about,
and at this point, so little I can do!
I try to keep busy and am thankful it's Christmas time.
I'm trying to be patient,
but I want to hold my baby!!
Some good nights-I only wake up 2-3 times
Some bad-I wake up like 6 times and my hips hurt so bad every time I turn left/right.
I woke up at 5:30 and couldn't fall back to sleep.
I try to nap...sometimes it's just resting.
I have officially taken off my wedding band and engagement rings.
My fingers swell throughout the day
and I decided to not risk having to cut them off or something awful.
Joe thinks it's really funny that I'm super prego and not wearing them.
Hardy har.
Maple Syrup.
Lots of fruit--clementines--I ate 3 last night?!
Down to one pair of jeans, one pair of khakis, leggings.
Around the house I have a few yoga pants and sweats.
My belly hangs out of most shirts and I'm constantly pulling them down.
I wore flip flops to dinner last night.
It's that or Uggs and I running hot lately...
I'm happy that I did not buy a maternity coat
 because I am warm enough with a scarf
or a puffer vest open.
Both of which I usually remove.
I did buy two nursing tops from Gap that I packed in my hospital bag.
I hope they're comfy and useful.
Other than that, I refuse to buy any more prego stuff.
Belly Button:
Still weird and not popped.
Stretch Marks:
Still hoping. 
We're almost at 60 pounds people...
I'm told that I don't look it;
I am tall so I must hide it well.
I will work it off...
As long as baby and I are healthy,
that's all that matters.
Miss Anything:
After holding my baby girl,
I cannot wait to shove fresh salmon sushi with squeezed lemon in my mouth.
Take a huge bite of an Italian assorted sub from a deli.
Have my husband grill me a rare steak.
Enjoy a salad with Italian dressing and crumbly blue.
I may make Brie en Croute after the holidays,
because I can.
Not to mention to help all of that yummy goodness go down,
with a nice glass of vino.
Best moment of the week:
A tie between feeling great for a few hours and walking the dog
and going on a 'date' with my hubs like old times last night.
I even fit in his car and enjoyed the drive (maybe for the last time?!)
Then comes my blonde hair...I now feel like a new woman.
Oh and getting our new dishwasher!
Looking forward to:
The 49ers game tomorrow--
they better bring their A game against New England! 
Finishing up my Christmas wrapping and 
all the fun that comes along with the holidays.
Enjoying feeling her move around in my belly
these last few weeks.
Labor Signs:
Keep on baking lil B.
Overall thoughts/questions/concerns:
I don't envision "me going into labor" being crazy.
I want to be as calm as possible and not flying down the express way.
But I don't want to be like a local couple in the news who had to pull over
on the way to the hospital because the baby was comin out!
The hospital is only 10 minutes away...
I don't think my water will break.
I don't think she will come early.
I want to do a little more reading before she comes.
 I could be totally wrong, 
but I figured I'd share what's floating around in my crazy head.
Just 3 more weeks!
Possibly 4.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday Happenings...

What a fun little date.
I'll just share some random happenings...
Monday night my fabulous mother-in-law and I created this!
I e-mailed her a tutorial,
she printed it off.
I read it to her,
picked my fabrics,
and voila.
She sewed up this little diaper changing pad, with a pocket!
 We used PUL material on one side (pink)
and adorable cotton fabric on the other.
 There's enough room for a diaper and some wipes.
Great for on the go!
 We added velcro, 
so that it can fold up and stay like a clutch.
I'm getting really uncomfortable
and I'm at my wits end with my doggies.
Thank you for your sweet comments about Holly.
The vet seems to think she has a bladder infection...
coincidentally with the trauma she endured?
I don't really buy it, but hopefully the meds will help her.
She's having accidents in the house,
and let's just say, it's not a fun way to start the morning.
 I'm really trying to listen to one of my favorite ornaments on our tree.
Thank goodness for my amazing husband who is putting up with my
{semi-crazy} final weeks of pregnancy hormones.
I love you boo!
I also love love love my dear friend Alison.
Here are the last 6 days of gifts I have received!
Day 7-
Snowflake ornament
 Day 8-
Cozy holiday Tea!!
 Day 9-
Cold and swollen feet.
She couldn't be more on!!
 Day 10-
She knows how much I love Christmas!!
Perfect for the back of our door.
 Day 11-
I was literally 'woo-hooing' when I opened this one!!
 She brought over:
Homemade cheese and meat raviolis.
Loaf of Italian bread.
All homemade.
All absolutely delicious!!
She made Joe a Key Lime Pie too!
 And today,
Day 12-
Such a pretty shade
"Iced Latte"
I think it will be perfect for that winter glow.
Thank you again Alison!!
You are just too sweet and I love it.
It's so fun opening a little gift every day.
I started some light baking...
Just some homemade chocolate chip cookies,
with holiday chips.
I have my last hair appointment today where I won't need a sitter!!
So crazy how you start thinking like that...
Hopefully this day continues to get better.
Have a happy Wednesday!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Winner & Weekend Recap

Happy Monday!
I'll start right out by saying thank you so much
 for entering my jewelry giveaway.
Even if you didn't win, 
I highly suggest looking into purchasing a bracelet for a fellow bracelet lover!
 Congrats to my winner
I'll get you in touch with Jill, the shop owner.

This weekend was a tad stressful...
You see, our crazy min/pin Chihuahua Holly,
likes to go absolutely bonkers when someone walks by the window.
I worry about the barking when baby comes
and I've always worried about her hurting herself.
It could be a dog being walked, a person, anything. 
If someone comes to the door? 
She loses her mind.
She flies around the living room barking like crazy,
bouncing from loveseat to couch, to the window seat
where the dogs have a bed they lay on.
Well, we moved the the couch forward and put the tree up...
and the mailman brought a few packages to the door around 11 am on Saturday.
Long story short, Holly went  nuts.
I think she flew off the couch and landed funny and really hurt herself.
Once the packages were left,
Holly was whimpering and whining and walking funny..
she finally went to her dog bed and howled.
That's when I noticed she was bleeding and peed herself.
My heart stopped as she began to act all lethargic and close her eyes...
I seriously thought I was going to lose her.
I called my husband, trying to remain calm,
and freaked him out because he thought something was wrong with me.
He rushed home from work,
we ran her to the animal ER
and they ran some tests...
Still not sure if she injured herself internally or if she has an infection,
but it was just awful.
She seems to be okay today,
but she is going potty a lot more frequently.
It was just not my idea of a relaxing Saturday.
My goal is to now train her to not act like a maniac every time our doorbell rings.
We call her 'wallers' because she runs into walls,
but this is just too much!
She seriously hurt herself this time.
I got so upset over my dog,
I cannot imagine what I'd feel
 if something were to happen to Brooke, once I have this baby girl.
So needless to stay, we took it fairly easy Saturday night and yesterday.
It's not feeling very "Christmas-like" outside, 
{low of 50's right now?}
but inside with our tree up
I'm starting to feel a little more festive!
It's not nearly like our trees years past...
We joke that it's our 'Charlie Brown' tree
We just didn't want to overdo it, since we have no idea
when lil miss will make her arrival.

I have presents to wrap and nursery pictures to take...
along with daily chores.
Still washing dishes by hand--Thursday can't come quick enough hehe
I move a little more slowly these days...
So that's my agenda today.
Nothing too exciting or strenuous.
Have a fantastic week!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

36 Week Bumpdate

How far along:
36 weeks and 1 day
Home stretch!!
I felt good this day!!

 I started feeling a bit sore this day...
since I was feeling better, I was over-walking etc.
PS love this new dry shampoo I tried--LOTS of volume!
Baby is the size of:
 Let me just say, I cannot believe how heavy she feels!!
It literally hurts to wake up and have to move (with a full bladder)
I am officially running out of room I believe.
A little frustrated with my pelvic pain.
But no crazy hormonal outrages...
I feel so relieved we got our whole to-do list done yesterday!
I'm excited to decorate the tree and
 just thinking about holding her by it excites me!
Still sleeping, just waking up about 4 times to pee.
I alternate left side/right side throughout the night.
The most painful thing in the world is to switch sides...
I will not miss this pain!
I get really tired around 4pm...I try to nap or at least rest.
Belly Button:
Still creeping its way out, but not an outtie.
Stretch Marks:
Nope *fingers crossed*
I use Burt's Bees Mama Bee belly butter in the am
and their lemon oil at night.
It's pricy, but worth it!
I am just so thirsty all the time!
I want iced.cold.water.
Pretty standard...
-french toast
-maple syrup
-almond butter
I can deal with popping the Tums for my heartburn, but...
Just this pain I keep complaining about.
I ask my doctors and they say it's normal...
but in my own research, I am diagnosing myself with this!
 Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction
Not everyone experiences it,
but us lucky enough to go through it..there's not much relief.
I notice it gets really bad when I'm most active.
I've stopped my yoga and as you know it hurts to walk around.
 The only ways to help this issue is to not:
-use stairs
-separate your legs
basically every day functions.
Try to get out of bed without separating your legs.
I live in a house with a basement, downstairs, and upstairs.
Laundry, dishwashers(well, ours is broken and now I'm hand washing)
 and picking up after myself,
a husband and two messy dogs requires a lot of bending.
It's hard because I've had really bad days where I just lay on the couch or in bed...
then I'll feel almost normal again, go out and about running errands,
then I'm back to being in a lot of pain.
I just really really hope it all goes away once I give birth.
I've read a lot that it can linger...
I'm so scared of that.
I never thought I'd miss walking!
So, I'm trying my best to stay positive
 but I think this is a real issue that not a lot of people understand.
Luckily my friends, family, and mainly my husband are very supportive and
he picks up any of the items I have dropped throughout the day and have neglected to pick up.
**This will all be worth it when I hold her in my arms.**
Best Moment of the Week:
We finished the nursery...I swear I'll post a video/pics this week!
We got our tree...
I've been into taking more videos lately, so here's a small clip.
We usually get 10-11 foot trees,
 {yes, I am spoiled}
So trying to find a smaller one was a little difficult.
Don't mind my JSimps moment
What I'm looking forward to:
Decorating said tree.
Finishing a few baby projects.
I'm hoping to get to my mother-in-laws Monday night!
Videoing my nursery, what's in my bag & diaper bag.
Labor Signs:
None yet; keep on cookin baby B!!
Overall thoughts/questions:
I am wondering, mamas out there...
Did you have any success with belly bands after pregnancy?
Like the wraps that hold all your flub in post baby??
I noticed these...
and I'm just wondering, are they worth the price?
Belly Bandit
I know diet and exercise, along with breastfeeding will help...
but I just wonder if it will help alleviate any of my issues.
Or is there a less expensive alternative?
Just curious...
I'm getting ready to meet you lil B!!
I want you in there as long as possible,
but I can tell I'm starting to become impatient...
I hope you're not fashionably late.