Thursday, December 31, 2015

Out with the Old, in with the NEW!

Brooke turned 2.

We had a baby boy.

I struggled with nursing and switched to formula.

First family of 4 holiday. 

Celebrated being a momma of 2

We enjoyed Summer.

We took a family vacation to ADK.

Hubby & I loaded up on Date Nights

We bought 20 acres of land 

A Dragon & Anna

I launched my new biz

Just a few of our highlights!!  Ups & downs.  Successes and mistakes.  Tears & smiles.  I wouldn't change any of it, as it is leading us into a brand new chapter of us.

I am so ready for this New Year----to the point where my head is almost spinning!  I have so many thoughts about last year and in typical fashion, I am trying my very hardest to focus on the good.  2015 taught me a lot, which is great.  You're never supposed to stop learning.  I've also taken a few steps in better directions regarding balance, and I want to continue to do that.  I have so much to be grateful for, and one thing I am going to work really hard at this New Year is to wake up and focus on 3 things I am thankful for.  I will record them in my journal as well.

I believe everything happens for a reason, and I keep hearing that idea of "gratitude" being thrown my way, so I best start opening these old ears, tinnitus and all, and listen.  My thoughts are if I really focus on what we have, all the beautiful abundant gifts right in front of me I will be--


Need more inspiration for being grateful?  Check this out...Gratitude

I am going to really work with what I have and use it all to my full potential.  Sometimes I get all wrapped up in reading articles, dreaming about what is the next best thing, and really?  I should just take a step back and breathe.  Breathe in the moments with the babies.  Breathe in the mess.  Breathe in the current state of my being.  Breathe in my almost 8 years with my husband.   Just breathe!!

Here's to a beautifully epic New Year!! 

Monday, December 28, 2015

2016: Succeed

With the New Year right around the corner, I am so very excited to have KEEP in my future.  We are about to launch a new line of letters and celebrate the new year with one word.  My word that I chose is SUCCEED.  I want to succeed as a wife, mother, in life and of course my new biz!  I have big dreams and hefty goals for you 2016, I hope you're ready for me!

 I just love all of the positivity that surrounds this company and I cannot believe how much fun I am having!  I am reconnecting with so many girlfriends and enjoying their special moments with them.  It's seriously a blast.

If you're thinking you'd like something new to do in the New Year, you love people and fun personalized jewelry, this could be for you!  I was so excited the other night that I had to sit down and make a quick video about the extra perk of signing up NOW!  You get an extra $50 credit to pick out even more jewelry to add to your kit.  KEEP has never done anything like this and they are celebrating their one year anniversary.  Now is for sure the best time to join and grow with this incredible company.

The best part is that it's whatever you make of it! If you want to do a little on the side, no worries! If you want to earn enough to buy your own pretties, awesome! If you're looking for more income, that is totally possible too!  Join me~  There are tons of groups on Facebook that we all connect and chat on, plus having mentors is always super helpful.

I also wanted to share what my KEEP collection looks like in just a few weeks into this biz.  I love sharing my stories through personalized pieces!  

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Leading up to Christmas

We've been enjoying a little bit everything around here.  Last Monday it was 70 degrees and we played with bubbles. Crazy!  Today it's in the 50's but rainy.

I've been playing around with my new KEEP goodies.  I love the multi-chain necklace and the protection of the hamsa.  I will take anything that wards off evil and negativity.   #begone

Bath time is rather interesting with this one! He is all boy and so full of energy.  I can barely get him to sit on his bottom to wash him up!

Brookie's going through some lovey phases and will randomly tell us how much she loves us and likes to hug.

Thursday night hubs and I snuck out a few hours to knock off some more shopping.  We also enjoyed a little steak dinner!  I am loving this super fun arm candy...makes my boring old outfits pop!

Friday brought Santa visit!

Baby boy was all smiles and Miss Brooke took it rather seriously.

And at the very end, she runs back and says, "Oh yeah and Paw-trol!"  I about died. She is so cute.

Then Saturday came with dance class and this little ballerina!  This is her Rockin Robin costume.  I cannot wait to see them in the recital in June.

I had so much fun at my launch social!  I have some very sweet and supportive friends.  I'm having a ball styling and designing for them!  Here is Jamie's look-love the blessed key on the rose gold mesh & the classic pavé time key! Shop here. {ps it's a mystery hostess link, so when you order you'll go into the lottery to win goodies!}

My dear friend Alison came over on Saturday and we baked...

and baked!  They all came out so good and we were done by 2pm.  #winning

Of course with all these sweets, we need to remember to be aware of good health! I am all about some wine, cookies & delicious menu items, but it's so good to keep ourselves in check.  Advo launched their ALL-IN which is a great deal--hello, free shipping! Pre-orders are available. 

If I can be totally honest, I am working hard at keeping my "happy" on at times.  This time of year can be hard because you have expectations of other people and as we all know, you can't change or fix anyone.  I wrote a whole post, which felt great, but I don't feel like hitting publish.  It takes a lot of mental work to push out the negative thoughts and just focus on the good.  And that is what Joe and I continue to do.  We have two healthy gorgeous babies and it is our very first Christmas as a family of four.  We will continue to focus on that and what really matters.  It probably doesn't help I'm fighting off a chest cold and don't feel 100% myself.  Plus I cannot believe we are already looking at pre-schools for Fall of 2017 for Brooke and of course planning her 3rd and bubs' 1st birthday party.

Time just won't slow down!  Either way, we have some errands to run so I'm hoping after nap time the rain lets up and we can get some things done.  

So I figured I would just get that off my mind because I am sure there are others out there who don't feel all holly jolly and Christmas-like at the moment and that is okay.  But if you can keep looking at all the good in your life and focus on what brings a smile to your face, then it will all be okay.  

Stay beautiful friends~

Monday, December 14, 2015

Where are you Christmas?

Happy Monday!!

Not going to lie, the nice weather [hello 60 degrees in upstate NY in December!] but alas, I am still...

It's kind of weird and eery that it is this warm outside!! I am going to take the kiddos outside in a bit and maybe draw with chalk, because when else can I draw Christmas-like objects in our driveway appropriately?

At least I have Christmas sprinkled all throughout our house.

Friday night we had a sitter come over so we could get a little Christmas shopping done. We grabbed sushi, did a fair amount of shopping (still not 100% done, but almost!) and then got home to see that we were ELFED.  They left this and two cute hot chocolate we are supposed to elf two more people. I need to get on that...

Saturday night was a wild one!! I munched on some tasty rice crisps \\ they totally taste like cheese doodles, but a little bit better for you?! haha \\ and I worked on my fun new little business.

Sunday morning I whipped up the usual, eggs & bacon.  This {Monday} morning I made breakfast so fast and got Joe out the door in time for work, he said I should open a breakfast joint serving fresh, but fast, food.  Could be fun! haha

Joe went hunting as it was the last day for that, and I took the kids to a little birthday party.

They both had a ball and everyone did great.

She was a little party animal and it got me really excited for her party in January!

I am lusting over this look!! If it ever does snow, I would love to be wearing this gorgeous North Star key & all the pavé to go with it!  Seriously stunning. 

In one week I have totally rocked this new business! I sat on the fence awhile, as I really wanted to be 100% sure I could give my all, be happy with my choice and have enough time for mom/wife duties. HOLY COW.  I cannot tell you how happy I am! I have so much fun helping others find meaningful pieces so that when they look down throughout the day, it gives them a quick little smile. 

I love that it's still a new company, I mean it will be ONE year old in January, so there is so much room for growth and development, it's crazy! I know that my Advo journey taught me a lot, like sooooo much about working with people and direct sales etc.  I enjoyed that for what it was, but this jewelry gig and spreading happy-that is just so me.  If I could give everyone just a little more "happy" in the world I would.  It's a dark and scary place out there and I know there is a lot of heavy stuff going on, but on the day to day to keep reminding us that it is our right to be happy, I enjoy that.  

A lot.   

When I hit my first bonus, I was really SO proud of myself.  It's been awhile since I felt that sense of accomplishment!  Thank you for everyone who is encouraging me on my new venture!

I have my Social Launch party tomorrow night and I'm excited and hope that we have fun 'wining and designing.'   Joe may take Brooke out to dinner again and that will be nice for them!  It's funny because sometimes things just fit right into your life, without much effort.  Sure you have to play around a little bit, but for the most part, I am pretty good at reading if it's meant to be, it seriously works out just fine! 

I made a business instagram Keep_Designer_Jenn if you're interested in following some fashion/jewelry looks, feel free to follow! I'll share some on my personal page too, but I made that account private, as I share so much of our babies there, it made me feel better.  

If you've been eyeing KEEP and are interested in hosting an online social to earn freebies, or even interested in being your own boss, let me know! I would love to build a team and keep sharing happiness!  It's such a great group of women empowering other women.  That. I. LOVE.  I only wished I had joined sooner!

Have a lovely day & stay beautiful xox

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Fab Fit Fun Unboxing

I got my Winter edition in the mail the other day and decided to open it and take a closer look with you!  I don't do any other subscription boxes, and this month's was pretty good.  {Last months was one of my favorites ever, so that was tough to beat!}

Spoiler alert --I open the box in the video, so don't watch it if you don't want to know!

Want your own box? Sign up here~[fabfitfun]

Monday, December 7, 2015

Mommy Monday & Last Day for Giveaway!

How is it December 7th already?! Christmas used to take forever as a kid, but I swear time goes even faster now that I'm a mama!

I just wanted to share a few silly phone pics that I have taken.  The only time I seem to get a still shot of this one, is in his high chair.  He loves his baba so much!  Eggs, fruit? Eh, not so much.

I'll gladly kiss this little santa!

I ordered Brooke's Christmas Eve, NYE, Birthday Dress---OMG!

Hopefully she'll have more smiles than this, but lately I say, "cheese!" And she gives me this.

We've had fun decorating trees!

"cooking" in the play kitchen and decking the halls down there.

Having fun with garland, then he tried to eat it.

Take a nice close look at the bottom: Brooke decorated it and I don't have the heart to move them.  My OCD has taken a back seat.

We had some fun at the Christmas in the Village.

Brooke's pony ride

Nana & the girls

And this sums up what it's like to grocery shop with these two crazies!

Today is the last day for my Stella & Dot Blog & Bling!!  My friend Jamie just got her Cady bracelet in the mail today and it looks so pretty!  Remember, every order placed through this party will be entered to win a giveaway of a wishing bracelet of your choice. 

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Arm Candy

I'm all about a good stack!! I love mixing all of the colors, silver, gold, rose gold--and these pieces can turn any boring old outfit into a fun little arm party!  KEEP Collective has so many fun additions for every day and going out!  See more here. 

The sophistication of the gold bands, silver, and a watch scream classic!

I love how you can totally match your clothes and your wrist love.

Remember when we were little and it was cool to wear holiday jewelry? Well guess what, it's cool again!! How adorable are these keys?

I just ordered the "Believe" key!

My personal arm party?  I always reach for the wrap bracelet!!

See, there it is again! 

This is the grey side of the wrap bracelet.

Want to see more? Head over to my social and check it out!  I can add you on FB if you're interested in seeing more pretty arm candies too!