Since I just updated all about Brooke at Four Months...I figured I should tell you a little more about me! I know my blog has turned more "baby" but for obvious reasons, I just can't help it! I really feel like the more I write, the more I am apt to figure things out...and will not lie, I love the support of you my dear blog friends, real life friends, and family who read this silly little space of internet land that I call "my own."
I love my little family |
So at Four Months Post-partum, I can say that my hair is driving me nuts!! I am shedding and losing it everywhere!! Seriously, I found a strand in the freezer...and my poor husband found a long blonde piece in his eggs. It's awful and last Friday I was ready to chop it, but my awesome hairdresser reassured me that this happens to 50% of women, and I just happen to be in that lucky 50 that experience this. I think it was a tad traumatic as I have A LOT of hair and it's super thick, so now it seems like all of it is falling out, when really I know it's not. I got a trim and I'm much happier, but daaaaaaaaaaaaayyyuuum. It sucks.
Moving on.
What doesn't suck? My body! Like I briefly stated in the last post, I am feeling so much stronger and better about myself. I need a belt with my "in between pants" now!! Why? Well I attribute it to a lot of things really...
Smarter Snacking:
I have never been one to eat "3 square meals a day". I love food and I am a snacker. So, I really have to be aware of what I'm putting into my mouth during these 'snack sessions.' If I'm hungry, I am trying to reach for non-processed foods. It's hard I know; the first few hazy newborn months, granola bars and Gatorade were my easy go-to items.
Now I stop and take time to juice. I don't do it every day, but I do try to squeeze a few in during the week.
To be honest, I've been on a smoothie kick and so I've been enjoying those:
And my latest
addiction addition, enter Shakeology.
I got a weeks worth to sample from Jen at
Get Fit Couture as she was running a contest. I decided to enter, to try out these shakes and also get my booty in gear. I don't know how many pounds I can literally shed in one week while still nursing, but I figured it was worth a shot.
I had to take a picture of my feet on a scale with my starting weight and send it in on Monday....oy!!
Well I'm on day 4 and I am feeling great!! I'm not stepping on the scale again until I have to, but like I said I'm feeling stronger and healthier every day. I like the option of these Shakeos because sometimes after a workout I don't want just a juice or smoothie and these definitely offer something more!
I poured 1 cup of almond milk, some ice and half a banana in a blender and it seriously tastes like a frosty or a milkshake....OK it does taste a tad healthier, but it is really yummy!
I know the price can be an issue when looking at these shakes, but like Jen said, it's about $5 a serving...that is the price of a latte at the Bux!! Well, actually it's cheaper I think. But I would say that you will definitely get a better bang for your five bucks if you enjoy a Shakeo instead of a fatty or calorie ridden latte.
Priorities. Just sayin.
I'll do another post at the end of my "biggest loser" contest and let you all know how much I actually lost!!
Jen also got my sister all set up, so we can purchase these yummy shakeos from her!!
Other snack ideas:
Cheese stick & almonds
Carrots & hummus
Can of organic green beans
Apple & nut butter
Homemade protein bars
Breakfast- it's pretty standard:
1 egg
2 pieces of whole wheat toast or wheat bagel
Lunch - varies whatever I decide to make for hubs and I. I will usually try to make a big salad or I will make a green juice and have some small portion of whatever meal I make for Joe.
Dinner- Not dieting--but I always have the salad or veggie consume 3/4 of my huge Food Network plate and then some sort of protein {steak, chicken, shrimp, pork} and a little carb.
I try not to eat after dinner, but if I am really hungry, I do listen to my body and maybe have a bowl of cereal or some fruit.
Limiting sweets. I just don't keep them in the house or bake them right now. If my husband wants them, he gets the bakery cookies at the grocery cookies and I may sneak a bite, but I am really trying to just say no! I do have dark chocolate I may have a square if I'm feeling the need for a sweet. Usually I'll go for a glass of vino instead though!
I know I can eat more veggies and should, I need to be better about that.
Working out
My goal was to
just move every day. I am doing pretty freaking awesome at that I must say!! What does this mean to me? It means go for walks with the dogs. Take a walk with Brooke. Jump on the elliptical for 30 minutes while baby naps. Do tri-cep dips on the end of my bed or 50 squats while I'm getting ready/putting my makeup on.
I am loving the Tone It Up workouts because they're quick and convenient; but they're not too easy!
After enough begging, my husband got me an elliptical!! I am loving the convenience and it is a NO JOKE cardio sesh. Even hubs has jumped on it a few times, so yay for good heart health!
We purchased it off of Craigslist--seriously a smart investment. I don't know if the guy even ever used it, but we scored a great deal and I am loving what it's doing for my legs!
I tried this workout but I was not quite ready for the intensity...
Get outside!!
Staying Motivated:
There will be people who really truly push you to be a better you, and there will be those who tell you you look fine the way you are. What I appreciate most is support of me, wanting to be the BEST version of me I can be. I don't want to be bigger than my pre-pregnancy weight, post baby.
To be blunt, my husband married a confident and happy size 6 woman. I will take a size 8 at my 5'8 frame, but I loved how I felt at my wedding weight. That is what I owe myself and quite frankly him to be! He has never said anything about being bigger, but I want to be healthier and feel like the girl he married. Maybe sizes aren't the best way to explain this, but if I'm not content with myself at my current weight, getting back to where I was feeling best is the only rationale I have.
Instagram is a great way I've connected with other women striving for good health. Seeing others workout and their progress surely makes me want to be able to do the same. I also text good friends and we try to push each other to just squeeze in another workout.
I have played the "breastfeeding card" long enough, and that is no excuse to not get up and move my booty!! Just because I'm nursing doesn't mean I can't exercise and eat healthier. I'm not one of those women who can eat cookies and cake and nurse away all my baby weight---it just wasn't happening folks!! Sure I lost more than half at first, but these last 15 pounds I'm
working for.
Get some new music with fun beats and sweat to some tunes!! If you
don't want to pay for it, simply go to Pandora and put in "Today's Hits"
Read all about it!! Buy magazines that will give you new ideas and ways to improve your health.
And then of course the teacher/craft lover in me decided to take it one step further and my current project:
An Inspiration Board--
You have to be mentally strong in order to achieve your dreams. If you've ever read or watched
The Secret you'll know the importance of creating visuals to get to your desired results.
Clearly it's not finished, but I keep finding motivating phrases and I'm looking for pictures of what I hope to be. {Quite frankly I'm waiting for a VS catalog--I usually get tons and lately I haven't gotten any?! There's always pure motivation in those stinkin things...}
While I'm not following the TIU series to a "T" I am implementing suggestions such as this one...I bought a cute little journal and I try to jot down my workouts that I did or hope to do... some entries are long and wordy and others are short like this....
I also write down my feelings and sometimes even what I ate so I can keep a tab of how I felt when I ate certain foods... For me it's easier than typing into an iphone. I've tried all that, but I am a visual person and if I literally hand write things down, I digest them better. It's also handy to have a notepad for things like Brooke's sleeping schedule/eating and it's all in one place to flip through. As much as I share on the blog, there are still things that sometimes I just want to write out and not really tell anyone...I love it!!
My biggest motivation like I've said before, is my daughter. She's gonna be running around and wanting to play all day. I want to be strong and have lots of energy to keep up with her!! And of course a sibling I hope, but not yet...maybe in another year or so!
I want her to grow up knowing what it means to be healthy. I don't want her to ever fear being fat or worry about being skinny enough. I know all too well the pressure young girls face with weight issues, and I promise I will always be the
best role model for her. Eat healthy foods, stay active, and be confident. No crash diets, no stupid pills, no 'fat talk'. I know she will look to me first for what it means to be a healthy woman. I owe it to her to show her the way.